January 11th @ Michaelangelos Pizza
Attendance: Max, Whitney, Daniel B, Mike K, Mike F, Jarrett W, Vince T
1-Finances: $16.4K in bank and PayPal. Outstanding -2 invoices for Action Advertising and Veterance for Vets tournament.
2-Upcoming Events:
-Veterans for Vets - January 21st @ Farmville - Registration is currently full. Mike Karlovec is selling raffle tickets for a chance to win a basket and other prices, $5 for 1 ticket, $20 for 6. You do not have to be present to win, contact Mike to purchase tickets.
-Ayden Founders Day Classic - February 4th @ Ayden Park - 2 round PDGA B-tier tournament. Spots still available.
-Mando Madness @ the Meadow - April 16th. - 2 round PDGA C-tier tournament. Every hole has a unique mandatory that must be completed to finish the hole.
-GVDG Kids Scholarship Shootout - May 6th - 2 round PDGA C-tier tournament. First event at the new Oakwood School course. Registration opens March 15th.
-Other upcoming events: Spring Fling (Michael Blackmon), Speed Golf (Max Crotts and Whitney Graham), Mixed Doubles (Whitney Graham)
3-Course Work:
-Ayden: Waiting for new locks so we can move all baskets to correct positions and holes. Need to move teepad for hole 9.
-Meadow: Finish hole 3 basket raise, Hole 10 green improvements, order tee signs for red pads and get the reds playable.
-Farmville: Still need to organize workdays for improving tee pads.
4-DEPC: We have agreed on title sponsorhsip for the 2023 DEPC with Basket Bashers. The new year hangover tournaments raised $330 for DEPC. Looking for ideas for this years players packs, ideas discussed at meeting include: shirts, challenge coins, signs. This years event will have 4 courses in play with a maximum field size of 480. Max, Adam Walter, Whitney Graham, and Andrew Duppstadt are course TDs this year.
-DEPC Match Play: Registration will open in March, Live draft in mid April, plan to start playing May 1. Team sizes and # of teams will be decided by how many register.
5-Social Media: Whitney is revamping the club social media accounts and looking at possibly doing a monthly recap podcast or video.
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