November 9th club meeting @ Michaelangelos Pizza on Memorial.
Attendance: Max Crotts, Whitney Graham, Daniel Brubaker, Mike Fazzini, Mike Karlovec, Adam Walter, Jarrett Wallace, Vince Tricarico
1-Finances: $16.915 in the bank. Owe $6939 to Action Advertising. $3k in general fund, $5k in scholarship, $2k in GVDG Kids.
2-Course Work:
Ayden-need to schedule work day to move 2 tee pads and 1 pin for new permanent layout. Michael Blackmon almost done designing new tee signs. Fundraiser in works for new tee signs, see meadow teesign below for details.
Farmville: If we can get a group together for a workday on tee pads Parks will order wood for them.
Meadow: Permanent riser on hole 3, green improvements on hole 10 B pin, replace the Purple tees with 12x6 pads to match Gold. We are ordering ground whiskers to mark 10M circle. Max is contacting parks for assistance with teepads and other improvements. Need to find a solution to parking during tournaments. Need to install the new Red course.
3-GVDG Club Championship: Saturday December 10th. Registration is open now @
4-Officer Elections: All officer positions up for nomination starting now. 1 treasurer position and 4 officers. Voting will take place Dec 1st through Club Championship Dec 10th. All current club members are eligible to vote.
5-2023 Membership: We will order 2023 GVDG member patches. Membership dues will be $15, $10 with valid Student ID. All memberships just $10 through January 1st Hangover Classic PDGA tournaments.
6-DEPC: We have been approved as an A-tier event again. October 20-22. The Professional side will definitely be a 3 day event, looking for feedback on 2 or 3 days for amateur side. Potential to expand to 4 courses. We are working now on sponsorship package with plans to start sponsorship search earlier, if you know any businesses that would be interested in being a tournament partner please reach out to Max or Vince.
7-Meadow Tee Signs: The tee signs at the Meadow have been updated with the current layouts including the soon to be built Red course. The old tee signs will be posted for sell. The money from the sell of these signs will be used to replace the signs at Ayden. Each sign is $20, we will reach out to hole sponsors first then they will be first come first serve when posted online.
8-3rd Annual Hangover Classic: Jarrett Wallace is running his annual new years event. This year there will be 2 1-round PDGA C-tier tournaments. Gold pads tee at 9AM. White pads to Alt baskets will tee at 1:30PM. Registration will be on
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