
Wednesday, November 10, 2021

November Club Meeting Minutes

 Location: Jarvis Street Bottle Shop

Attendance: Max Crotts, Daniel Brubaker, Charles Thompson, Mike Karlovec, Jarrett Wallace, Vince Tricarico

Finances: Total in Bank=$10,997. All DEPC related bills have been paid. Only outstanding bills are new club shirts. Full Breakdown - General Fund $3982; GVDG Scholarship $3000; GVDG Kids $2165; Basket Fund $1770; 2022 DEPC -$100 (sanctioning fee)

Baskets: We got quotes from Innova, DD, DiscGolfPark, Prodigy, and DGA. Discraft could not provide a quote as they will not have basket until an unknown time next year. At the meeting we decided to focus on Innova, DGP, and DGA quotes and make a final decision at the December meeting once we have a better picture of funds from the basket auction.

Basket Auction: We all agreed to ask people from reframing from emotional pleas in future basket auctions. Bids only. 

DEPC 2021 Wrap up: All bill are paid. Play Greenville calculated the economic impact of this years DEPC to be $584,000 for Pitt County. 

2022 Schedule:

Jan 1 - New Year Flex Start C-Tier - Jarrett Wallace

Jan 2 - GVDG Championship - Vince Tricarico

Jan 22/23 - GVDG Scholarship C-Tier - Vince & Daniel Brubaker

Late February - GVDG IceBowl - Max Crotts

March-May - Mystery Tour and Membership Appreciation - Max Crotts

March-May - Mando Madness @ the Meadow C-tier - Max Crotts

June-July - Contentnea Creek Classic C-tier - Max Crotts

Oct 21-23 - Down East Players Cup 

Other 2022 Events - Sunday Baggers, Summer Doubles, Putting League, Friday Flex

Putting League: Nov15-Jan 3. Primary location is a warehouse on Dickenson Ave near Uptown. On Dec 6 and Jan 3 putting league will be at Backwoods Tavern. Flier with full details coming soon. 

Club Elections: Officer elections will be held from Jan 2 through the club meeting January 12. 4 board member spots and 1 treasurer position are open. Nominations for officers starts now and runs through January 1. Current board members: Max Crotts, Vince Tricarico, Daniel Brubaker, Jarrett Wallace. Current Treasurer: Adam Walter. 

Workday Coordinator: It was suggested that we add a position of workday coordinator to be the lead for course work projects. General consensus at the meeting was an official title isn't necessary, we know who the skilled club members are and we should encourage contacting them for guidance and support when planning and scheduling workdays.

GVDG Kids: Oakwood is planning another clinic and looking at running a fundraiser event to raise money for additional baskets for their campus course. Thank you Pat Mallette for donating your DEPC winnings to get new discs for GVDG Kids. Eastern Elementary recently got some disc golf equipment and GVDG Kids may be able to assist them with teaching a class. Beth Payne has an idea of combining a kids class/clinic with the Friday Flex or similar event next summer. 

: ) :

Thursday, July 15, 2021

July Meeting Minutes

 July 14 @ Pitt Street Brewing

Attendance: Max, Daniel B, Vince, Jarrett, Adam Walter, Charles T, Mike K, Whitney

1-Finances: $56,300 currently in the bank, $46k of this is  entry and sponsorship from the DEPC and Contentnea Creek Classic. 

2-Workdays: Max is meeting with Parks this week to work on details of finishing all star teepads. July 31 9AM Jarrett is leading a workday at the Meadow hole 9. Daniel Brubaker will organize a series of Saturday weekly workdays followed by doubles, each event will have a set area and goal to accomplish. $5 cash doubles, $7 if you didn't participate in the workday. 

3-DEPC Sponsorship: We are finalizing title sponsorship and should have it announced in the next week. We are still looking for a title sponsor for the video coverage, if you know a company that would be interested please let Max or Vince know. We also have several hole sponsorship opportunities available. 

4-DEPC Players Packs: We are working on some updates for the players packs and should have an announcement soon. 

5-DEPC Video Coverage: We are working with Gatekeeper Media again. Working to secure funding to have both MPO and FPO coverage. 

6-DEPC Skins and Putting Tourney: Vince is working with Play Greenville to secure a location for putting tournament. Skins match will most likely be alt shot doubles, checking to see if disc manufacturers would be interested in a manufacturers skins battle. 

7-Contentnea Creek Classic: Players packs have been ordered. With recent changes OB will be determined closer to the tournament. 

8-Mystery Tour & Backwoods Putting: Mystery Tour will be rescheduled to a later date, date not yet set. Backwoods Putting tournament is July 25, there will be a band playing, food available for purchase, and a 50/50 raffle. 

9-National Disc Golf Day: PIAS has a full day of events and sales planned. 3 1-round flex start PDGA C-tiers will take place throughout the day: 8-11 @ Farmville, 11-2 @ ECU, 2-5 @ Meadow. 

10-GVDG Kids: Farmville disc camp is rescheduled for August 9-11. 

11-GVDG Store: We will place an order for additional discs soon. Daniel is working on additional shirt designs. We just received an order of GVDG DiscGolfPins now available. 

12-Farmville: Town of Farmville is celebrating 150 years next year and would like to include a disc golf tournament as part of the celebrations, no details yet. 

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

May Meeting Minutes

 May GVDG club meeting. Location was Max's house. 

Attendance: Max, Daniel B, Joshua Lee, Mike, Vince, Jarrett

1-Finances: Adam could not attend so we do not have an exact figure in the bank. We donated $1500 from the GVDG IceBowl to the Pitt County Social Services Food Bank. We also paid Innova $961.25 for our most recent order. 

2-Club inventory: We are ordering 50 additional 2020/21 membership shirts to cover those that have not yet received their shirts. We are ordering 75 pins from DiscGolfPins. Jarrett is talking with Mitchell Frederickson about getting additional items for the club store. We can place another order with Innova at the end of May. We do not qualify currently to order from Discraft as we did not have an account previously, uncertain when they will open up for new accounts. 

3-Match Play - Max is ordering shirts for match play from Rob Gerard. Also ordering trophies. 

4-Summer events: We are looking into options for running either PDGA C-tiers or PDGA league on Friday nights through summer. Max is contacting Michael Blackmon to see if he still plans to organize some 1 day PDGA events this summer. UPDATE: Michael is planning on a 1 round flex start July 25th at Farmville and 2 round event at Meadow August 21, both events would be C-tiers. GVDG Mystery Tour and Membership Appreciation will be July 24. We are planning to run 2-3 flex start C-tiers on August 7th as part of National Disc Golf Day. 

5-Discord: Josh provided an update on the Discord server he's been maintaining for the club for the past month, currently we have 34 active members. We will continue to advertise the discord service. If we get a larger audience Josh explained some of the additional services that could be deployed to make the service more useful. These services have a monthly cost associated. 

6-Member outings: Brubaker is planning to start regular, possibly quarterly, outings of a non disc golf nature. Bowling, Wood Ducks baseball games, mini golf, and pub crawl are a few ideas with all disc golfers invited. 

7-DEPC: Brubaker is stepping up as a 3rd course TD so we are expanding the 2021 DEPC. It will now be a 360 person field. 3 pools of 120 golfers. 120 professionals, 120 Advanced, & 120 Intermediate/Recreational/Junior golfers. We are still on target to raise $10k added cash and will soon start advertising the fact. Waiting on final quotes but current plan for Am players packs is a Discmania Active basket, DiscDots, and another item. Prices are set at $150 for all professional divisions and $115 for all amateur divisions. 

Thursday, April 15, 2021

April Meeting Minutes

 Meetings Minutes:

Location: Pitt Street Brewing Company
Attendance: Max C, Jarrett W, Danny B, Vince T, Adam W, Mike K, Charles T, Whitney G, Adam D, Josh L, Mitchell F
Finances - $15892. 89 total
- Scholarship: $3,000
- GVDG Kids: $1,000
- DEPC: $900 (not including Matchplay)
- Club: $9,182.22
- Operating Balance: roughly $3,000
Discord: Josh L. Proposal
- Will work as a more organized space for club activity which involves chat and topics there within. Could eventually be used for meeting purposes but not yet as of this time.
- Josh has already set up a server for the club and said he would volunteer to be systems admin if we so choose.
- 3 month trial period set to see if we, as club members, prefer it to standard FB chat. Josh will post a "how-to" get started for all members so that we can begin using it to its greatest advantages for us.
-Resolution passed 13-0 to begin working with Discord with Josh as systems Admin for a trial period of 3 months.
Farmville Work & Play Day:
-Vince has been communicating with Farmville P&R about upcoming work day. They will provide decking wood, hopefully pre cut, to redo 4-6 pads. The hope is to continue this on a semi regular basis so that the entirety of the course will be redone in such a fashion by DEPC (10/21-23)or even CCC (8/1)
-Multiple groups needed to work on pads and briars/vines on corners of 4 and 14.
-Doubles round to follow a brief lunch break. $10 to play, random draw, $2 of each entry fee going to Farmville P&R to help fund next round of tee pad improvements.
-Eventually tee pads on 13 will be moved to a drier location to allow for more optimal play in wetter conditions
-Farmville is entertaining the idea of trenching the back area 11-13 to lead to the creek for better drainage. This is a much more long term plan, but talks have begun.
ECO 5/2 at Meadow:
-105 players, 21 holes. Vince has communicated with Jason Clarke the intended layout and needs from him to complete the layout. Eastern Disc Golf has agreed to the $2/player fee for tournaments being held in Pitt County. This fee will go to reserving the park, buying supplies to flag/paint course and general maintenance for upcoming tournaments and course improvements.
-4/30 will be course readiness day with paint and flags. Exact timing to follow, if you are able please come out to help.
-5/1 will be a course work day to help prepare the course through green beautification and any other spot cleaning needed for the event
Tee Pads at Meadow:
-Vince will begin paver pad changes to 13 All Star on Friday. Frame and reset pads, roughly 9:30am (all hands are welcome). If it all goes well and we are happy with the finished product, this process will then be repeated on 12 All Star and 4 All Star as these would be significantly more difficult than the rest to get a concrete truck to their location.
- Parks has a machine that will cut precisely into the ground the required depth for new (15 total) 6'x12'x3.5" pads. They are hoping to begin cutting near the end of April as they finish up another project.
- Mitchell has volunteered to contact local concrete companies to begin working on finding the best deal possible with ideas of offering them sponsorship in different capacities to help reduce cost.
Proposed Putting League/Event: Charles T.
-Backwoods Tavern would like to host an event through Charles. Considering it is the off season for putting league, we are looking at a monthly even to start, on Tuesdays in the evening to test interest and this location possibly being used in the future for the putting league as The Buc has new owners and our connections aren't as strong there any longer.
-Charles will be putting more information out in the future as he locks in a date and cost.
CCC 8/1: GVDG Event
-No new information, will be begin looking at players packs and items of that nature shortly.
Benches at Meadow: Danny B
-Reached out to one local boy scout troop, waiting for feedback from them to see if they would like to take on the project.
Meadow - 10s Alt Green: GVDG Officers
-New design discussed with members for feedback. Will require dirt and mulch along with lumber. Will submit design idea to Greenville R&P for approval and see what they can help with. We are hoping posts, dirt and mulch at the very least. Very rough picture in comments.
Farmville Disc Golf Summer Camp: Vince
-June 21-24th. GVDG Kids will be running/hosting. Will need instructors. More details to follow.
GVDG Store:
-Proposed to move the majority of merchandise payout, at this time, to a Play It Again Sports option. Players would have the option to move their merchandise credit to a PIAS gift card. They can move all or some, but once moved it cannot come back to GVDG. PIAS will kick back 10% of total merchandise dollars. Players will have the ability to pick up their gift cards as early as the Wednesday following doubles at 5pm.
-The club plans to over order tournament player packs to stock the store. The club will also look to purchase specialty items to stock the store ie: Water bottles, hats, towels, chalk type bags, etc.
-The club will also be doing what we deemed "precision ordering" from disc manufacturers as the manufacturing side of things is chaotic right now. The club needs to make sure it is ordering things that will sell, which is difficult to do.
-The club will be speaking with Discraft to be on their 25 discs subscription to help increase store stock.
-The club will look for custom stamp disc possibilities to put the club logo on discs as they become available.
-THIS IS FLUID! This is not the end of a GVDG Store as we have known it to be, but we have to be able to pivot if we'd like to keep our events alive and thriving!
Tournament Fees:
-As a club we are working up a document to explain our tournament fees to anyone wanting to host a tournament in Pitt County/Courses we maintain.
-This fee will be in the ballpark of $1/player per round. This is essentially how we have always run doubles and monthlies. We will now be looking to institute it to outside groups as well. This will cover the cost of course reservation for events as well.
-Once we have a document put together explaining costs and benefits it will be put on the table for more discussion (feel free to discuss now) and be voted on to put into play.
-This is essentially what we've always done, but now we are streamlining the process for outside groups and it will also ensure we have simple funds for beautification and maintenance.
DEPC Sponsorship: Adam
-Disc Dot is sponsoring a hole and we will be providing a disc dot player pack item to all AMs at the DEPC.
-This should go nicely as we are working with Discmania currently so that all AMs could also be getting a basket in their players pack as well. This basket is not finalized but we are working towards it as it immediately puts players pack value in the $175+ range.
-Still very open to players packs ideas as we move forward.
-Multiple ongoing discussions for title sponsor. Will hopefully have that locked in shortly. This would include things like Skins match, Putting Competition and potentially 3 C-Tiers the week of DEPC along with title sponsorship of DEPC.
More PDGA Events: Michael Blackmon via Vince
-Michael would like to see more PDGA events locally as more and more events fill faster and faster. He as volunteered to TD events with help in the beginning to ensure he runs them smoothly.
-He has looked at the NCPDGA calendar and proposed 6/26 at Farmville, 7/25 at Ayden, 8/21 at Meadow. Everyone seemed liked they liked the concept.
-Hopefully will meet with Michael to solidify ideas and dates!
Membership Appreciation: Max
-7/25 - more info to follow
-2022 Membership tiers will be available as new calendar year for membership is 1/1-12/31. Debuting membership tiers now as they coincide with sponsorship of DEPC and future events.
National Disc Golf Day 8/7: Vince
-Proposed Flex Start C Tier on 8/7 to be sponsored by PIAS and payout run through PIAS as the store truly embraces the day.
-This could coincide with the Fire Bowl to work as a fundraiser. The Fire Bowl was a concept put out by Danny B to be a companion event for Ice Bowl. More details to follow on this pairing.
Thanks for reading. Please post comments below. I hope I didn't miss anything! We had a truly productive meeting and we had twice the normal attendance!

Sunday, February 28, 2021

GVDG IceBowl

Saturday February 27 was the 17th annual GVDG IceBowl. This year was played at Ayden District Park. 40 disc golfers, 34 competing in the tournament, came together to raise $1450 for the Pitt County Social Service Food Bank! A huge thank you to everyone that came out or donated. No chili cookoff this year, join us next year as we again battle for the greatest chili trophy of all time. 

Saturday, February 20, 2021

February Meeting

 Feb 10th @ Tapped.

Attendance: Max, Adam W, Mike K, Daniel B, Vince T

1) Finances-$4800 general fund, $710 DEPC, $977 GVDG Kids, $3041 GVDG Scholarship, $75 Monthlies. 

2) Scholarship-Vince is updating the application then we will have it posted on the website. This year we will provide 2 scholarships, $1500 and $1000. 

3) GVDG Kids- Daniel is going to organize another order of GVDG Kids polo shirts. Vince is working on organizing more clinics. 

4)Course work- The city has removed the Gold teepads for upgrades, will have to wait for flooding to go down to finish pads. Max Vince Jarrett and Daniel have marked the new Gold fairway on hole 9, needs to be cleared. Updated course maps are being worked on for Meadow and Ayden. 

5) Membership- Max proposed extending 2020/21 club membership through the end of 2021, all future memberships will be calendar year instead of current July/June. Change is so membership is less confusing. If you join after Oct 1 each year your membership rolls over to the next year. All voted to approve change. Vince is working on tiered membership options including sponsorship options for DEPC.

6) IceBowl- February 27th @ Ayden. $20 to play, money and food raised goes to Pitt County Social Services Food Bank. Players pack is a custom GVDG towel. Division winners will receive club membership or a store credit if already a member. First round is $1 mulligans with all money going to the food bank, 2nd round is seeded doubles. Register at

7) Firebowl- Event will be July 17, location and full details still being worked out. Event could potentially be at a ball golf course. 

8) Mando Madness- Event is April 10. Max is working on players pack items, potentially custom cooler or lunch box. Registration is almost full. Register at

9) DEPC Matchplay- Matchplay registration will run through end of March. Draft will be early April and play starts mid April. This year captains must be PDGA members with a rating so draft order can fairly be established. If you would like to captain a team message Max. Exact schedule and team sizes will depend on number of competitors. All competitors will receive a custom players pack and opportunity to register for DEPC on June 1 during early reg. 

10) DEPC- Tiered registration opens June 1 all ladies and 1000+ rated men can register, June 8 980+ can register. June 15 registration opens for all divisions and ratings. We are working on fundraiser items and players packs now. If you are interested in sponsoring the event or know a company that would be interested contact Vince, Max, or Adam.