Jan 8, Angus Grill
Attendance: Max, PJ, Dave N, Daniel, Vee, Vince, Jarrett, Taylor, Myers
1: Finances-$2855 in bank, $951 in PayPal. -$920 Scholarship tournament entry fees, -$166 owed to Innova. We've also ordered a new club banner, players pack items for Scholarship tournament, and DG pins for the IceBowl.
2: Monthlies-
Danny is running the Double Disc and Demo monthly this Saturday.
ECU/GVDG IceBowl is February 8 @ ECU course. Entry is $20 for all divisions. We are working with Piggly Wiggly to get additional food for the food bank. Chili contest during lunch, Vince is talking with a local chef to be the judge for this years cookoff.
March Mando Madness - Will be a PDGA C tier, the date will be locked down in the next few weeks.
April Monthly - Sunday Baggers monthly will be April 19.
3: Workdays- We have a few big projects we want to complete before the Greenville ECO in February and get the Farmville course ready before the Scholarship tournament. We will post a full list of projects and planned work times on the clubs FB page. Plans are to add a par 4 gold pad on hole 8, a new par 5 gold pad on 12, and redo the teepad on hole 13.
4:Umbrella Market- Brubaker is checking on getting us a space in the Umbrella market for 2020. They start accepting applications in March.
5: Scholarship Tournament- Registration is open and filling. Players packs have been ordered. Vince is looking for some assistance with the trophies, contact him if you are interested in helping out.
6: DEPC Matchplay- We will start signup for matchplay at the beginning of April, start play the first week of May. Entry fee isn't set yet but will include a shirt for all participants.
7:DEPC- Registration will open in June. Vince has completed the sponsorship letter and we are starting to contact businesses. If you know a business or person that would be interested in sponsoring please contact Vince or Max.
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