
Monday, November 18, 2019

November Meeting Minutes

Location: Max's House
Attendance: Max, Jarrett, PJ, Taylor, Sandy, Vince, Brubaker, Myers

1: Finances - $2893.24 in the bank, we owe $486 to the PDGA for the DEPC. $365 is for the GVDG Scholarship.

2: December Monthly - Backwards golf will be December 7th. Sign up and first round at Meadow. 2nd round at ECU. Entry: Pro - $15, Adv - $10, Am - $8. Acepool $5.

3: 2020 Monthly Calendar -
January 4th - Danny Double Disc - $30 entry. Get any 2 discs from club store but you have to play the tourney with only those discs.
February 1st - GVDG/ECU IceBowl @ NRC. Entry is $15 and 2 canned goods. All money and food raised goes to the Pitt County Social Services Food Bank.
March - Mando Madness - PDGA C-tier. Date not set yet.
April - Bagger Open - 2 rounds at Meadow in a Sunday Baggers format (no OB, no Mandos). Date not set.
May 30th - GVDG Membership Appreciation and Mystery Tour - Your chance to create a unique hole around Greenville.
June 20th - Safari Golf.
August - DEPC Warm Up. Date not set.
October - Pitt County Crusher. Date not set.
December - Backwards Golf. Date not set.

4: 2020 DEPC - We are creating 3 groups to focus on different aspects of the tournament, Fundraising, Prizes, and Course Work. If you would like to be a member of any of these groups please message Max or Vince. Vince is contacting the people that make caddy books for Azalea to make sure we have a high quality caddy book for the tournament. DEPC will be a 216 person 3 pool event using Meadow All Stars, Farmville, and ECU NRC. 3 rounds with 54 holes. We are setting a minimum goal to raise $7500 in added cash.

5: Farmville - Currently doing work days with the town to get teepads installed. Teesigns should be arriving soon. Course is not opened until town gives OK. GVDG will be organizing a grand opening event, date not set. Planning to run a PDGA event in February as a fundraiser for the GVDG Scholarship fund.

6: Meadow - Max is going to talk with Rob about what is needed to get a full course map to put in the kiosk and work with parks to add a 2nd kiosk at the baseball parking lot.

7: GVDG name: It has been pointed out that the club is doing much more work outside of Greenville and our focus continues to include surrounding communities in Pitt County. Vince asked for people to consider alternative naming options for the club. Greater Greenville Disc Golf was suggested to keep the base GVDG name with minimal chase. Another idea presented was keeping GVDG but adding a tag line that reflects our involvement in the county. If you have any suggestions please submit them for the December meeting.

8: December Meeting - Will be at Pitt Street Brewing if they dont have a conflicting event.

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