
Monday, May 13, 2019

May Meeting Minutes

May club meeting at Professor O'Cools.
Attendance: Max Crotts, Stew Goodson, Jarrett Wallace, Vince Tricarico, Daniel Brubaker

1-Finances: $3833.86 in the bank. $2034 of that is earmarked for DEPC from money already raised for payout. We owe $120 to PDGA for Mando Madness. Max will start auction of old teesigns in a week, auction on FB GVDG page starting @ $35.
2-Workdays: Workday scheduled 5/12 after Sunday Baggers. Moving pipe to elevate 15's pin. Continued clearing of 11 and 13 on the allstar layout.
3-Monthlies: USDGC Doubes June 8 and Jarrett's Safari Golf June 22. Need to get fliers for both posted.
4-DEPC: Jarrett raised $100 from pre-season doubles. Max is going to contact J about trophies. Registration opens August 1st. Need to confirm reservation of ECU course.
5-Next Month: Going to Tapped on June 12 @ 7PM.