
Monday, April 15, 2019

April Meeting Minutes

Location: Plaza Azteca
Attendance: Max Crotts, Adam Walter, Taylor Rafeleowski, Daniel Garrett, Jarrett Wallace, Ryans Saunders & Rachel, Vince Tricarico, Daniel Brubaker, Beth Payne, Shane Norris

1-Finances: $2100 in bank, need to deposit putting league cash(estimated $500 to be deposit). $1032 of this is money raised for DEPC. Max will contact Rob about getting a club banner for display at events. Get a price quote for a 2nd course map and sign post at parking lot by baseball fields.
2-Monthlies: Jarrett is working on flier for Safari golf June 22. Max is setting up registration for USDGC Doubles on
3-Doubles: Max is printing and posting fliers this week.
4-Workdays: April 20th 10AM-Until, April 21st after Sunday Baggers. Working on holes 11 and 13.
5-DEPC Matchplay: Adam will be an auto captain for winning last year. All other captains have to volunteer to be a captain at signup. Captains will be randomly draw at the first doubles of the season with the draft later that week.
6- DEPC: Finances: $1032 already raised for the DEPC, we have a handshake agreement for title sponsorship that isn't included in that amount. Working to finalize title sponsor this month. Entry fees for DEPC are set: Pro-$80, Adv-$60, Intermediate and lower-$50. Vince has set the goal of getting $1000 added cash each month leading up to registration in August.
7- Kids Disc Golf Lessons: Beth gave us a copy of the form she uses for summer swim classes and suggestions on how to run disc golf lessons for this summer. Vince is contacting Recs&Parks to see if they have any recommendations or guidelines.
8-Next month location: Professor O'Cools.