GVDG club meeting, October 10 @ Max's house.
Attendance: Max, PJ, Vince, Jarrett, AWAL, Guy, Chad, Stew, Vee, Myers, Daniel G
1)Finances- Club currently has $7413 in the bank, mostly made up of DEPC entries and added cash. Will have a better breakdown at November meeting.
2)ECU Disc Golf-Chad gave us an update on the state of their club and plans for 2 events this year. We voted to sponsor ECU DG for 2018/19 season @ $250. ECUDG sponsored a hole at DEPC for $100.
3)Signs-The course will have temporary signs for the DEPC. Getting quotes from 2 companies for replacing all signs at the Meadow. Options for 18 and 36 signs. Should have quotes to make a decision at November meeting.
4)Monthlies-Next monthly will be backwards golf in December. Will get an exact date at November monthly.
5)DEPC-Main work left is to level teepads with dirt dropped off by the city, mark OB, pickup trash, and clear minor debris from TS Michael. Chad is going to check with ECU guys about a workday to pickup trash, Max will have trash bags at Sunday Baggers to see if anyone can help. Max will have OB marked with spraypaint this weekend, final flagging and string OB will be put out after mowing next week.
6)Putting league-Adam gave an update on putting league. Starts Oct 29. There will be 2 different series, one till end of 2018, the other starts Jan 2019 through March. Also offering mulligans at putting league for anyone that helps with prep work for DEPC.
7)Covenant-Vince has opened a good line of communication with the church and we'll start workdays at the church after the DEPC.
8)Next month we will meet at Professor O'Cools. Wednesday Nov 14 @ 7PM.
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