June GVDG Meeting Minutes
Location: Max’s house
Attendance: Max, Austin, Jarrett, PJ, AWAL
Agenda: 1)Finances 2)ECU Update 3)Monthlies 4)Doubles 5)DEPC 6)Sponsorship 7)Disc Order 8)Next Month
1)$2,139.77 in bank with no outstanding debts. Preparing a disc order now including a new basket. Also need to order additional club shirts.
2)ECU is submitting request for hosting collegiate nationals event, asking for GVDG assistance, Spring 2017. Thursday doubles going well, points series winner gets entry paid to DEPC.
3)Saturday June, 11. Signup by 9:45. Object golf, only have to hit metal at basket or higher to complete hole.
5)Park reserved. Looking into sponsor signs for year round tournament sponsorship.
6)No tournaments coming up.
7)Placing a new disc order with Innova and Prodigy, will be ordering a full lineup of discs in a variety of plastics. Will also order DiscMania with Innova order. Ordering a basket for hole B alt pin.
8)Next month we will meet at Professor O’Cools. July 13, 7PM.
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