
Thursday, July 9, 2015

July Meeting Minutes

7/8/15 Professor O'Cools
Attendance: Max Crotts, Adam Baker, Adam Walter, Tate Allen, Nick Morreale and Family, PJ Evans and son, Kurt Hodnett, Chris Hamby, Todd Markov
1-Finances: Still have not had an opportunity to get by the bank and migrate accounts from DC and Kurt to Max, Walter, and Tate.
2-Sponsorship - Sponsor Craven Chains PDGA for $100 - PASSED
3-Workdays - Max is going to purchase some poison ivy killer, Todd is cutting up the branch on hole 8 that fell, Meet Aug 18 after baggers at the meadow to explore possible changes to holes 8 and 9.
4-Doubles/Monthlies - Exploring changes to the payout of doubles, moving away from vouchers to a dollar value payout and moving away from a flat payout. Max is contacting Craven Chains to see what their payout looks like. Will have a follow up at next months meeting. The Thursday before the Mix and Match monthly the PDGA singles league will play the mix & match layout.
5- DEPC -Adam is finalizing the artwork, should have some proofs posted online asap.
6- Tar River Park - There was a 3rd and final input session regarding the future of a proposed park. Max was in attendance to give the clubs stance on a proposed disc golf course. Will post a link to the video when it is made public.
7- Next Meeting - Hamby is looking into options of having our next meeting at the bowling alley. If that falls through we will meet at Max's house.
: ) :