
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Monthly this Saturday

Saturday at the regular time meadowbrook park match play pay out will be entry to DEPC.

Summer Dubs Officially Over

Summer Doubles are done for the year, club forgot to pay the light bill. All official rounds are done but we will keep something unofficial going on Monday for the next few weeks. Did tripples on the 17th that was fun come out next Monday and see what we come up with!

#10 Purple Ready to Play

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Sept. meeting 1 hour late @8 The Quarry

The September meeting will be tomorrow Wednesday the 12th at The Quarry downtown Greenville. It's going to be at 8 this month so we can make the NRC dubs. This is the final Pygmy dubs of the season 12 holes CTP on every hole sign up at 6.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Thursday Dubs

Starting this Thursday dubs will be played from the shorts until the light runs down.