
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Workday Saturday 9am to noon

We have a big workday this Saturday on the new purple pad for hole 10. Guy is ready to build the new raised tee box but we need help and lots of it. No Machete or clippers needed but bring your shovels, we need to move lots of dirt and rocks. Guy is planning to be there early to setup the foundation so if you can be ther before 9 do it I'm sure Guy won't mind the help. This is going to be one of the big fixtures for DEPC so don't let us down the club will provide water so no one dies but we need you to provide some muscle even if you can only help an hour come out we'll be there all morning.

1 comment:

  1. Supposed to hit the beach Saturday with the wife, but I might be able to sneak out for an hour or so early in the morning.
